Northern Indiana, United States of America
October 2009
Spotted: Amish going above and beyond the norm totally shredding all of my thoughts and expectations concerning them as a group and/or people.
Ok, forgive me, but in my mind I have an idea of the Amish. I picture a very strict group of people who have completely shunned society and modern living. They live off the land: only eating vegetables from their own garden, drinking milk from their own cows, slaughtering their own chickens for dinner, and dressing simply in neutral or dark colors. Women wear dresses/skirts to their ankles and bonnets on their heads. Men wear big black hats, dark suits, and grow giant beards that santa claus would have in his younger days before the white took over. And of course, their only way of transportation is the old faithful horse and buggy.
BUT OH NO!!! Was I wrong! Well, it hasn't been the first time.
Here are a few of the encounters I had with the "Amish" this past weekend in Indiana.
1. In Walmart, I spotted an amish woman clad in dark navy skirt, white blouse and a bonnet. I watched her curiously. I didn't know the Amish shopped at Walmart. Was that allowed? Ok but here is what made my eyes bulge. Her cart was filled with two or three bags of Lays potato chips, cheez-its, and Christmas edition Little Debbie cakes!!! The little white tree cakes with red and green decorations. Umm...hello? Is that in any way natural?? I smiled broadly at her all the while my mind was racing with questions. I honestly wished I had asked her what possessed her to choose the Little Debbie cakes...I really do.
2. While at a gas station, a blue van pulled up and six or so traditionally dressed Amish men headed into the convenient store. Are they suppose to drive cars? Isn't that too modern? I guess not, they happily strolled into the store to pick up whatever their eyes lighted upon.
3. I witnessed two busloads of traditionally dressed Amish people heading into...the GOLDEN CORRAL! Ok...this totally shocked me. I believe I actually sputtered something similar to: "But...Wha...Wha What? But can they DO that??" I mean come on everybody, it's the Golden Corral! I'm sorry but I have to laugh...I never in a million years thought I would see them heading into a restaurant much less the Golden Corral. I shall now quote one of my friends, "The Amish have to eat too!"
Well, yes, they most certainly do, but what happened to those gardens growing in the back yard? Those chickens clucking in the coop? Those cows mooing to be milked? Just wondering everybody...I am simply wondering...
4. I did witness a more traditional Amish sighting with a twist. Driving down the road in the pitch black of night, and when I say pitch black, I mean black. No light except our car's headlights. We were in the corn back roads. Up ahead an orange light brother and I freaked out. It reminded us too much of a scary movie we've seen. Well, it turned out to be an Amish family snuggled up tight in their horse and buggy, buggying it down the road lighting the way with orange hazard flashers on their buggy. Apparently, lanterns have gone out of style.
5. Again in Walmart, (on another day; isn't it funny that if you need something while traveling, the immediate go-to is Walmart?) a not so traditionally dressed Amish mother and her daughter (both shockingly bonnetless) snatched up two Halloween cakes from the bakery. The little girl looked down jubilantly at her cakes. Her excitement was so overwhelming, she almost licked the plastic lid...almost.
There were several more, but I think you get my point. Now please don't think I am knocking on the Amish. I am a firm believer that people should live how they feel they have been called. I believe God calls us all differently, and I know that some Amish families feel closer to God by living a simpler lifestyle and I fully embrace that. In fact, I salute them. I think it shows extreme self control to be able to live an Amish lifestyle especially with all of the modern day conveniences. Clearly some are choosing to embrace the 21st century evidenced by my spottings. I am simply sharing my amazement.
This goes to show that no matter what I expect from a place, people, or culture, I must always prepare to be shocked...just a little, and that's one of the joys of going to a new place and experiencing it.
I had a certain idea of the Amish when I set out on my journey, and I have a completely different view coming back. I guess I answered one of my own questions...
How open-minded are you?
More to come from Indiana...keep your eyes open.
Happy traveling~
little debbie cakes would not be my splurge. i think i would get cheesecake factory or something!